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Striking a pose

  • Friday, November 12, 2010
  • Diana Sahu
  • Labels: , ,

  • Dancers at the 14th Gunjan Song and Dance Festival


    InfoHub Desk said...

    Great pics....all pro frames...which do you use!
    Hey this is a gud photoblog. Pls keep it updated n follow it up with all different subjects of your interest!

    This blog has all potential to be developed into a professional photoblog which cud fetch more some assignment or business for you.

    All gud wishes.....anything needed feel free to contact!

    Anonymous said... on expressions...
    n to catch that, to be agile behind the lenses...
    you are going great!!!..all the very best dear...

    Diana said...

    @ Sahas: Thanx for appreciating my work. Will let u know in case I need any help. Thanx again

    @ Anon: Thanx. U've been really kind with ur words. Can I knw ur name?

    Anonymous said...

    @ Diana: framing the panspophic thoughts...Keep it up...u neednt be thankin me..perhaps thru your eyes, one can feel the colors of life...

    Diana Sahu said...

    @ Anon: :) Thanx again. Keep visiting.

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