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A Beach Lover's Delight

  • Friday, August 27, 2010
  • Diana Sahu

  • The fine white sands of Puri beach and the roar of the breakers rolling in from the Bay of Bengal have fascinated visitors throughout the ages.

    Another Marvel

  • Diana Sahu
  • Labels: ,

  • The Ashok Chakra at Konark. The Ashoka Chakra is the wheel of dharma and symbolises the teachings of Lord Buddha.

    Ryots' Wonder Crop

  • Diana Sahu
  • Labels: ,

  • Farmers busy transplanting paddy saplings in fields along the Konark Road. The cloudy weather and light occasional rain in the morning contributed to make the paddy fields greener and even more beautiful.

    Cloud Watch

  • Thursday, August 26, 2010
  • Diana Sahu
  • Labels: , ,

  • The secluded Beleswar beach on the way to Puri, Orissa. The drive to Puri through Marine Drive took me just an hour. I shot hundreds of pictures along the road, but I think this picture in particular represents the sense of solitude like no other.


  • Tuesday, August 24, 2010
  • Diana Sahu
  • Labels:

  • Minutes before it poured in Bhubaneswar
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